..::Donation Process::..
“Package 1: KhemAstroMath-Fundamentals (Basic Natal Reading)”, “Package 2: KhemAstroMath-Transits”, “Package 3: KhemAstroMath-Horary!”,“Package 4: Tha Horary Frontline!” (3-Minute Sample Horary Reading)” & “Package 5: KhemAstroMath-Election! (Electional Chart)”,
Are All Provided 100% Free of Charge, as KhemAstroMath-Astrological Services,
Are NOT provided to Humanity for the purposes of “Financial-Gain” &/Or “Making A Profit”.
However, You are Free to Make a Donation at Anytime,
Before, During or After Receiving
Astrological Reading.
There are Four Donation-Levels from which You have the Option to Choose.
These are as Follows:
Moon-Lvl.: £60.00
Sun-Lvl.: £120.00
Saturn-Lvl.: £240.00
Other Amount: £An Amount of Your Choice
Once You have made Your Donation, a Payment-Invoice for Your Contribution, will be Emailed directly to You,
Shortly after the Astrological Service has been provided.
This Payment-Invoice will be Marked-As “Already-Paid” and is Emailed to All Donors for Record-Keeping Purposes Only.
Donations can be Made via Credit Card, Cheque, PayPal or Direct Transfer.
Although You have the Option to Make A Donation at Anytime, in Relation to Any of the Above x5 Packages , Those who choose to Make A Donation, Prior to and In Advance of receiving their Astrological Reading, will be 100% Guaranteed,
To be Given First Priority on The Waiting List.