“Tha Khemety of Ancient Astronomical Mathematics” (Abbreviated as “KhemAstroMath”), is the Astronomical Faculty of “ThaBadbrey Herbal.”, that deals with the Practice & Teaching of Astronomical-Mathematics in Practical Application with Ancient Astrology. Originally Founded & Established in Early 2016, the Main Focus of “Tha KhemAstroMath-Approach”, is Astrology that is Practiced at the Highest-Level of Efficiency & Proficiency Possible!
All Astronomical-Mathematicians of “KhemAstroMath” agree, that In Order for this particular Astrological-Approach to Successfully come into Physical-Manifestation; Astrology MUST be Practiced with the Ancient Attitude of Complete Sacrifice & Submission of the Mind of the Practitioner. Thus, proceeding in a manner that is “Identical To”, if not “Closely Resembles”, the way in which the Ancients Practiced this Heavenly, Beautiful, Magnificent, & Highly-Mathematical Ancient-Art.
Therefore, each Student, before becoming a Fully-Fledged Astronomical-Mathematician, MUST be Fully-Prepared to spend 90%-To-95% of their Waking-Life, being “Completely-Engaged & Fully-Immersed” within “Ancient-Astrological Thought & Practice”, as well as the Practical Application of Astronomical-Mathematics to Physical-Reality in Real-Time, at All Times!
Thus, shortly after Enrolment, each Student of “KhemAstroMath” is Expected to become “100% & Completely Competent & Confident”, in performing a Vast-Array of Mental-Calculation-Techniques. Of which endows Each Student with the Ability to Quickly, Easily & Efficiently perform Extremely Advanced-Astrological-Techniques Entirely within the Mind!
..::These Advanced Techniques Include (But are NOT Exclusive to)::..
Tha Motion of Heaven
The Ability to Mentally-Calculate the “Tropical-Ascendant”, within x3-Ecliptic-Longitudinal-Degrees of Accuracy, WITHOUT the use of “Astrological-Software” or an “Ephemeris”, or Even having to refer to a “Table of Houses”.
Tha Saturn S.T.R.
The Ability to Confirm &/Or Rectify the “Tropical-Ascendant” of any given Natal-Chart, via the Mental-Calculation of the Planetary-Motion of Saturn.
Tha Planetary-Yamsheyan
The Ability to Mentally-Calculate the Zodiacal-Positions of Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto, within any given Astrological Chart, within a x200-Year Period of Tolerance, WITHOUT using “Astrological-Software” or an “Ephemeris”.
….Plus Many More “Mental-Calculation-Techniques” of this Type….
After becoming “Naturally-Acclimatised-With” & “Fully-Accustomed-To” remaining within the “KhemAstroMath-Mental-State of Astrological-Awareness” at All Times; The Student is then “Thrown-In” at the “Deep-End”, whereby, they are “Put-Through” Intensive-Training-Sessions on “Tha Horary Frontline!” During which they are required to “Astrologically-Read” Random Clients “Live & In-Real-Time”, with Little to No Background-Information being provided to them On or By the Client, “Prior-To” or “During” each “Astrological-Reading-Session”! After Each Session, The Student is then Assessed upon their “Levels of Accuracy”; And, will ONLY be Awarded the Title of Astronomical-Mathematician, when their Levels of Delineational-Accuracy are Consistently Confirmed by Clients to be Within the Region of 90%-To-99%!
All Astronomical-Mathematicians of “KhemAstroMath” agree, that this type of “Constant Mental-Arithmetical-Exercise” coupled with “Extremely-Rigorous-Training”, is an ABSOLUTE-MUST for any Practicing Professional Astrologer. Moreover, All Astronomical-Mathematicians agree, that the Astrologer MUST possess the ability to Practice Advanced Astrology at an Exceedingly High-Level of Expertise, Efficiency & Skill, Entirely within the Mind, at Any-Time, in Any-Place & Any-Where on this Planet, WITHOUT the use of “Astrological-Software” or an “Ephemeris”!
..::In Conclusion::..
By Fully Adopting the Ancient-Astrological-Approach outlined above, each Student of “Tha Khemety of Ancient Astronomical Mathematics”, can Contribute to the Restoration of Astrology, back to the Level of Reverence & Respectability that it Once Held in Ancient Times.
All Rights Reserved ©ThaBadbrey Herbalist Asar,
Ancient Astrologer & Astronomical Mathematician of,
Tha Khemety of Ancient Astronomical Mathematics,
~ Courtesy of ThaBadbrey Herbal.
– 2022-