Terms & Conditions
“Package 1: KhemAstroMath-Fundamentals (Basic Natal Reading)”, “Package 2: KhemAstroMath-Transits”, “Package 3: KhemAstroMath-Horary!” & “Package 4: Tha Horary Frontline!” (3-Minute Sample Horary Reading)”, are usually carried out Verbally In Person via Skype, WhatsApp or over the Phone. A very vast amount of Detailed Information is usually covered during each session. It is therefore recommended that you find some way of cataloguing the Information that is delivered. Please Feel Free, to either take notes during the Reading, and/or Record the Session in entirety for your own later reference.
“Package 1: KhemAstroMath-Fundamentals (Basic Natal Reading)”, “Package 2: KhemAstroMath-Transits”, “Package 3: KhemAstroMath-Horary!”,“Package 4: Tha Horary Frontline!” (3-Minute Sample Horary Reading)” & “Package 5: KhemAstroMath-Election! (Electional Chart)”,
Are All Provided 100% Free of Charge, as KhemAstroMath-Astrological Services are NOT provided to Humanity for the purposes of “Financial Gain” &/Or “Making A Profit”. However, You are Free to Make a Donation of Any Amount at Anytime, Before, During or After Receiving Your Astrological Reading.
There are Four Donation-Levels from which You have the Option to Choose.
These are as Follows:
Moon-Lvl.: £60.00
Sun-Lvl.: £120.00
Saturn-Lvl.: £240.00
Or Other Amount: £Any Amount of Your Choice.
Once You have made Your Donation, a Payment-Invoice for Your Contribution, will be Emailed directly to You, shortly after the Astrological Service has been provided. This Payment-Invoice will be Marked-As “Already-Paid”, and is Emailed to All Donors for Record-Keeping Purposes Only. Donations can be Made via Credit Card, Cheque, PayPal or Direct Transfer.
Refund Policy:
An Astrological Natal/Transit Chart Reading usually involves In-Depth Preparation beforehand, which takes a significant amount of Time & Energy on the part of the Astrologer. A Horary(Question Based) Reading can take anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours to prepare, depending upon the Nature of the Question itself. Whereas, An Electional Chart (Seeking Out & Fine-Tuning the most Astrological Auspicious Date & Time, to Initiate a Specific Activity, IE: Attending Court, Launching a Business, Having a Wedding, Having a Party…etc) usually takes many Hours to Prepare and is Extremely Time Consuming. Any and All Donations made to ThaBadbrey Herbal., Contribute towards the Professional-Operation and Efficient-Functionality of ThaBadbrey Herbal.. KhemAstroMath-Astrological Services are NOT provided to Humanity for the purposes of “Financial Gain” &/Or “Making A Profit”. Therefore, any Remaining-Surplus that has been left over from Any and All Donations, that are not required in order for the Professional-Operation & Efficient-Functionality of ThaBadbrey Herbal. to continue, are instead Given-Away to Charity. Thus, due to this fact, and due to the Nature of the Level of Expertise that is Required, as well as the Vast Amounts of Time & Energy Involved in Astrological Chart Preparation & Interpretation, No Refunds can be Distributed At AnyTime, for any Donations made in Relation to any Astrological Service provided.
Accuracy Statement:
All Astrological Readings provided by ThaBadbrey Herbal., are Delivered with an Extremely High Level of Accuracy. However, it is very Rare that any Astrologer is 100% Accurate at All Times. Therefore, due to the fact that The Astrologer is not “SuperHuman”, 100% Accuracy is NOT Guaranteed.
Confidentiality Protocol:
All Information provided from the Client, to ThaBadbrey Herbal., is treated in 100% complete Confidence. At no time will ThaBadbrey Herbal., divulge any confidential information belonging to the Client. Any divulgence of any Confidential Information, will only be done, after the Client has given ThaBadbrey Herbal., explicit permission to do so. Permission will be granted via a Verbal Agreement, or in Writing, via Written Documentation (For Example, an Email, Text Message or Communicative Exchange via Social Media). Data Protection Laws apply.
Legal Disclaimer:
Any information aforementioned during the course of the Delivery of Any Astrological Service, should NOT be used as a substitute for the Any of the Following:
• Professional Legal Advice
• Professional Financial Advice
• Professional Medical Advice Diagnosis or Treatment of any Disease
Astrological Services provided by ThaBadbrey Herbal., are delivered for the purposes of Spiritual Growth. However, on a Mundane-Level, they are to be considered for Entertainment Purposes Only. The Client is 100% Responsible and Liable for their own Actions and Behaviour. This is regardless of any and all information the Client may have received from ThaBadbrey Herbal., during the course of any communication related to any Astrological Service provided by ThaBadbrey Herbal.. ThaBadbrey Herbal., Will not be held legally responsible for any Action or Actions, and/or Behaviour that the Client chooses to, partake in or abstain from, prior to or after the Client has received any Astrological Service or Services from ThaBadbrey Herbal. ThaBadbrey Herbal., as well as Any and All Astrological Services rendered by ThaBadbrey Herbal., are 100% absolved of Any and All Responsibility, of any Actions and or Behaviour of the Client. Put Simply, You are In Control of your Own Destiny!
The Clients Reception of any Astrological Service provided by ThaBadbrey Herbal., is an automatic Confirmation from the Client, that the Client has Read, Understood, and Agreed to All Terms & Conditions stipulated here.
All Rights Reserved ©ThaBadbrey Herbalist Asar,
Ancient Astrologer & Astronomical Mathematician of,
Tha Khemety of Ancient Astronomical Mathematics,
~ Courtesy of ThaBadbrey Herbal.
– 2022